Hi, welcome to my blog!

Well where do I start.. I have a passion for travel, aviation and reading.

So my all time little girl dream was and still is to fly around the world, to discover and see every corner of the world. And to read every thriller, crime or mystery book there is. 

I recently developed a love for books but not only that but I have seen and experienced a lot and I would like to share all my stories and / or tips with you. Not only the things I've experienced as a flight attendant but also as a traveler.

I hope, I'm able to inspire you with my book reviews, book quotes, TBR list and ofcourse my lifestyle and work.

If you want to follow me, take a look at my bookstagram page, via the button above.

(btw, the content will be published in Dutch and English)


The reading, travel and lifestyle blog of an ambitious girl!






My reading goal for 2023: 37/52

The book that I'm reading right now: The 6:20 Man by David Baldacci

I think we all have our own story in this world and every story is different.

Yes and there I was, with my face on YouTube

Zoals je al denkt, ja ik ben met m’n bakkes te zien op YouTube en ja nu denk je vast HOE HEEFT ZE DAT NOU VOOR ELKAAR GEKREGEN🤨. Nou hier komt tie en NEE ik heb geen vlog, waar ik wel over na zat te denken maar ja ik heb niet echt content om over m’n saaie leven te praten haha! Nee ik was te gast op het YouTube kanaal van m’n vriend. En nu denk je vast Huh?! Ja dat dacht ik ook toen ik er achter kwam dat meneer een YouTube kanaal heeft.

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